Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Get me gaming

Had my first 12 hour work day yesterday. I always get into the office at 7, well before anyone else. Yesterday was no different. I had been previously warned that my officemate Chris and I would not be leaving until the new website project was testable. Turned out that meant C# coding until 7 at night. I didn't even leave for lunch, as I'm usually one to take a 20 minute kitchen sit down for lunch. Been a long time since it was dark outside when I both went into and came out from work :o The 12 hours actually went by fairly quickly.

I had been invited to meet up immediately after for dinner with 2 other coworkers, Nathan and Rose, and with Nathan's partner Jamie. We went to a hole-in-the-wall Mexican place called Chez Guevara. Was really good, although I'm still craving a sweet potato burrito from Burrito Bros ;) We had a fun time! And apparently my office Christmas party dress made a great impression :D

Already back at work at 7 this morning. My brain is still fairly spent, so we'll see how it goes :)

Missed the afternoon Steam sales yesterday due to the crazy coding. Hope I didn't miss anything good!

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