Monday, March 2, 2015


Tuesday last week was a WFH (work from home) day due to ice (iirc.) Had a conference call in the morning, went well, but afterward my phone froze. I went to restart it, and put it aside until noon, at which point I found it completely off and unable to turn back on. It'd been acting funny for awhile: sometimes the power button would stick or not register at all, sluggish in general, and just weird unresponsiveness. Had been considering doing a factory reset in hopes that would resolve the issue, but my phone decided not to give me an option.

Did some troubleshooting at home, including battery removal, charging, draining capacitors of remaining power, etc.... but nothing would get my phone to boot past the "Samsung Galaxy S4" title screen. Stopped in Batteries and Bulbs to test a new battery; no dice :/ Brought it down to Verizon where one of the guys did a few magic juju troubleshooting tests, which resulted in the same conclusion I had already come to: my phone was bricked :( Thankfully, I pay for insurance on my phone, so I was able to send in a request for a replacement, and it only cost me 100$. Better than dropping ~500$ on an S5, because that's probably what I would've end up doing otherwise!

Normally, they offer next day shipping for free, but my phone got held up at UPS due to all the inclement weather we had been having. Replacement finally came in after 5 on Thursday. Was kind of weird being without a phone for 2 days, almost a relief to be untethered tho. Realized how much time I spend looking at it when there's really nothing important to check or look at. All those silly ingrained habits that feed my feelings of needing-to-know founded from boredom. Really only missed having a camera on hand at all times.

Tuesday evening after Hunter finished his errands, he picked me up and took me down to Gatlinburg. Was a surprise mini trip, although it's not too terribly far from Knoxville. Was fun! Although pretty much everything was closed :/ We did play together in some snow tho :D (Plus, I pelted him with snowballs!)

Friday night we went on a date and saw Kingsmen. Silly spy spoof movie, but was quite amusing! Also want to go see The Lazarus Effect, and I wouldn't be surprised if we go to see Interstellar with Balo sometime.

Saturday evening, Hunter and I got our drank on and played some League and Divinity until Balo dropped by to hang out. Drunk shenangoats, woo!

Yesterday, Hunter and I went over to Balo's place to help him drill holes into a a wall for him to hang coat hooks... until we realized it was a concrete wall :o So we switch walls! They look pretty good, and definitely serve their purpose well XD Proceeded to play with the Pathfinder character sheets I'd modified, and then busted out the board games! Got to play Pandemic for the first time ever :D We won pretty easily, but I think that's because Hunter and Balo are so pro! Also played Betrayal at House on the Hill a few times. All three of us won, then Balo won as the traitor (Hunter and I fucked up big time), and then Hunter and I defeated the traitorous Balo (who was apparently fantastic at rolling 0's on haunt checks.) Ate at a great Vietnamese place, and had Pho for the first time! Quite delicious :)

Emailed the guy who last modified the Pathfinder character sheets in hopes that he could provide us with an original we could mess with further. Can't make some of the changes we'd like to :/ He got back to me pretty quickly, but unfortunately the font that the sheets were made with is not free/open licensed :( So, he can't share it with me, so unless I change all of the fonts for the parts I want to modify, I can't make the changes I want to. Maybe I'll design my own some time... will need to for my not-Call-of-Cthulhu game.

Vapored myself out of my apartment last night after staining a huge portion of the table. Good job at being a dumbass, Ashley! Trapped the kittens in my bedroom with the windows open and I spent the night at Hunter's. Hopefully it'll be all better when I get home. Can't wait to share all the photos of our work :D

What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?

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