Thursday, May 15, 2014

Time is an evil mistress

I decided to go back to Gainesville for Mother's Day. My mom wasn't aware, so it was a surprise for her. However, I had told Mike since I would be staying with him. I managed to incorporate a partial surprise for him; I decided to leave work a little early on Thursday and head out that night. He didn't expect me until Friday :) The kittens were mostly good on the way there, save for Ayla who kept crying until I put her in the front seat.

Friday, both Mike and I had to work so during the day. I couldn't do much since the VPN didn't work, and the IT person who was on hand was not helpful in the least. I did drop-in at my parents' to surprise Mom. That night was Pathfinder night, and thankfully Joe did not show up so I got to play his character, Jim... a 1-foot tall, fairy healer, who I, of course, turned gay... very, very gay. It was pretty fun. The system was an interesting homebrew offshoot of Pathfinder that Ken came up with.

Saturday, Mike and I hung out... went to Mega and to Bodytech so I could get my Megaman tattoo :D

I was kind of nervous. The tattoo I got before on my thigh I could barely feel; was worried if it'd hurt on my forearm. Turned out not to be that bad all, just like before I didn't really think about it too much. It was actually kind of interesting to watch, since I couldn't watch my first tattoo :) I was super excited about it, and I think my artist (Austin) did a fabulous job :D I'm now really looking forward to getting Crashman on my other arm.

Saturday night, Mike, Chance, Danielle, Joe, David, and myself played several rounds of the Red Dragon Inn. Of course, we play it properly as a drinking game and all had quite a lot of fun :D

Sunday, Mike and I visited his grandparents and Chance's parents (Chance's mom is like a second mother to Mike.) We then had dinner with my family. Hooray for Mother's Day!

Doc tested Chance as a lap buddy.

Monday and Tuesday we both had to work, so that was unfortunate. Monday we had dinner with Scott, and Tuesday we had dinner with Kristin. I actually ended up going out to three new places that had popped-up in Gainesville since I moved. Burgerfi was absolutely delicious; definitely the best veggie burger I have ever had. Which Wich had fabulous sandwiches :) Absolutely wonderful. 4 Rivers however... I guess I was expecting something different? It wasn't that great of BBQ, and I've definitely had better. I still haven't gone into Gigi's Cupcakes, but there are some of those up in Knoxville. Zoe's Kitchen is in Knoxville as well, but I heard it's not very good

The Wildstar beta has been pretty fun. Mike and I have both played each of the classes for the most part, and I think we both know what we're going to settle on when the game comes out. If anybody else is going to be playing, and wants to have a couple of friends to play with, let me know :) I think we're going to play the Exile side. Their quest line seems to be more fleshed out with more variety than the Dominion, but we will definitely be playing both sides at some point in time.

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